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Chicago, Illinois recent comments:

  • Home of Bob and Emily Hartley, FG (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Completely mismanaged condominium building - there is a website dedicated to exposing corruption of building "manager"...
  • Whole Foods Market, FG (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Now has self-check-outs.
  • Lake Village East, FG (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Designed by noted architect Harry Weese. Building had long history of poor windows and a long rent strike by tenants in early 80's due to massive water infiltration through windows.
  • The Promontory, FG (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Now closed, soon to become Akira boutique.
  • Harper Square, FG (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Cooperative Apartment & Townhouse complex designed by local Modernist architects, Keck & Keck.
  • Harper Square, FG (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Cooperative Apartment & Townhouse complex designed by local Modernist architects, Keck & Keck.
  • 1400 Building, FG (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Designed by local Modernist architects, Keck & Keck.
  • University of Chicago Laboratory Schools Earl Shapiro Hall, FG (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    New early childhood section of Lab Schools under construction 2011/2012.
  • Queen's Landing, Anthony (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    Needs to be updated. City installed traffic signals and pedestrian crossing in end of 2011.
  • 24th Marine Corps Batallion, CORAZON GELBKRON (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
  • Former C & NW Rosehill station and casket elevator, Kevin (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    The station was NOT demolished in the 50's. My father once thought of buying it and turning it into a restaurant, and that was around 1965 or so. He used to have a few pictures of it but they were lost in a house fire. I was born in 1955, and clearly remember riding my bicycle by it and I had to be around 12 years old.
  • Center For Disease Control and Prevention, J E SHIELDS (guest) wrote 13 years ago:
    --FROM: James E. Shields~ So. Bennett,AVE.- -Chicago,ILL.,60617-22-54--- ~~~~USA~~~~~----- DEAR SIRS :-~~~ .......from about 20 DEC,2011, the day I caught a head cold at my doctors office -at my Dr.’S office no where else; So since this time theres been pain & or num-ness on my left side--MY Left arm from the ---Sholder... down to my hand,is lacking in-’fine..-motor controll or hand and eye cordination- I WONDER is there such a thing as “ drivers” elbow ‘//??--IS THERE such a thing as “Drivers/foot or INSTEP”--’ as a person drives theres a lot of tension an attention placed on your right foot can not your foot cramp up due to the tension of defensive driving--??-AS for my NUM hand & Arm all of a sudden I don’t have the fine motor control of my left arm I had just--^-recently---as-recently as the 20 th december,-2011..where I CAUGHT a rather bad head cold-“-waiting at my doctors waiting room for something like [2 hours]------I hope I didn*t catch a strain of the current “flu” or TB-there??-- --It would seem I need to go to a clinic or something,where I can be examined by a “ non” over worked doctor,who can-”actually” tell me whats wrong with me/.... COULD my catching a cold this last--[-20-december 2011-]-Plus taking -- Sertraline hlc/-50 Mg.--could the combination of these thing, have hit me harder then either one alone if you follow what I mean? I ALREADY KNOW THE num-ness and lack of motor control in my left arm & hand suggest I may of had one of those small heart attacks I*ve heard about I’m no expert on this sub ject/ I DON’t have any degenerative conditions I KNOW of, that would put my left hand fingers & arm out of order like this all of a sudden-so I need serious feed back on whats wrong with me- - I’VE SEEN ON A PBS DOCUMENTARY-HAVING PROBLEMS WITH A “NUM” LEFT SIDE AND LYMBS- CAN SUGGEST A ‘STROKE’-- -sincerely, JAMES E. SHIELDS- MY-/-- PRIMARY DOCTOR DR:-RUDYARD SMITH,/7906 SO. CRANDON, CHICAGO.,ILL., 60617 /PHONE- --7 7 3 ---9 7 8 -0 7 5 7,, THIS IS THE DOCTOR OFFICE WHERE I CAUGHT A SERIOUS HEAD COLD OR PERHAPS FLU- BACK ON THE [[ 20 DECEMBER 2011 ]].. ---
  • Powers of Ten Starting Place, Flailed wrote 13 years ago:
    There where lawn without pavements and no trees at all back then.
  • Challenger Park, braniff73 wrote 13 years ago:
    The CTA's Buena interchange yard, where freight cars from the Milwaukee Road were transferred to the CTA, was here until 1974.
  • National Hellenic Museum, Zol87 wrote 13 years ago:
    Formerly located at 801 W Adams Street until July 2011. A new 40,000 square foot facility opened in November 2011 at 333 South Halsted Street.
  • Walt Disney Birthplace, antdoghalo wrote 13 years ago:
    I wish his company still followed his dream.
  • Crack the Whip, Denegnet wrote 13 years ago:
    Похож на памятник играющим детям в Сталинграде
  • Chicago Park District Archery Range, Ironclad1 wrote 13 years ago:
    One of the only urban archery ranges in the U.S. Not a good place to walk your dog!
  • "Agora" by Magdalena Abakanowicz (2003), Ironclad1 wrote 13 years ago:
    Every time I see this "artwork" it just looks like a bunch of Gossamer characters from the classic Looney Tunes cartoons (minus the tennis shoes!)
  • Chicago Spire Pit, Ironclad1 wrote 13 years ago:
    Preferred local nicknames (if it is ever built) are 'The Corncob" and "The Twizzler"